Watch the video for instructions on how to regularly create original blog content, including images. Here is the short version:

Steps you only have to take once to get everything set up


First, you will want to make sure you have a paid ChatGPT account. This will cost about $20/month.

Go to

You will need access to ChatGPT v. 4, which requires the paid account. You can find instructions on how to do that here.

Now you need to make sure to add the VoxScript and Photorealistic plug-ins to your ChatGPT account. Here are instructions.

Discord and MidJourney

Now you want to make sure you have access to MidJourney, which is hosted through Discord. You’ll need an account with both.

Follow these instructions to get set up.

You will need to subscribe to the paid MidJourney plan once your trial expires. That costs either $10/month if paid monthly or $8/month if paid a year at a time.

Once you have MidJourney enabled in Discord, you’ll want to create a private channel. There are instructions for that here.

Steps you’ll take every time you want to create new content

There are any of a number of prompts you can use to inspire the AI to write your content. These instructions are for if you want to use content from a YouTube video as inspiration for your blog post.

  1. Find the YouTube video you want as inspiration. Copy its url.

  2. Go to Chatbot GPT, make sure you are using version 4, and enter this prompt, with your url:

    I want you to analyze the video on the link below.  Then, using the content of the video, I want you to generate 3 engaging social media posts that I can use on both Instagram and TikTok.


    Each post should contain 1 emoji and 3 hash tags. [insert url here]

  3. This will give you three social media posts.

  4. Then enter this prompt:

    As well as the texts for the posts, I want you to use the photorealistic app to create a MidJourney prompt for an image to accompany each post.

  5. This will return a prompt you can use in Discord. Go to your private MidJourney channel and type the forward slash “/ima” and then click on “/imagine prompt” when it pops up. Paste the prompt from the AI here. This will give you four options for pictures. You can get variations of one, have it regenerate, and modify the prompt until you have something you like. Then you upscale it (get a higher resolution version) and use it for your blog post.

  6. Your last prompt for chatGPT is going to be this one:

    Please also write a 1000 word blog to be used in conjunction with these social media posts. Please do not use phrases referring to the blog. Please do not use "Introduction" and "Conclusion"

  7. Now you have blog content, social media posts, and images. Make sure you review everything before you post it for accuracy, style, and general quality. Remember, it’s your name attached to the content!

Happy creating!