Entity Filings and Renewals

Things To Remember

  • We only file entities and act as Registered Agent (RA) in Nevada.

    • If a client wants an entity filed or wants us to serve as RA for their entity in a state other than Nevada, they will need to consult elsewhere.

  • While we used to sell and file Nevada corporations and LLLPs, we no longer do.

    • We are still the RA for some clients that have Nevada corporations and LLLPs though.

  • If a client purchased a series LLC but resides in Pennsylvania, make sure that the property they are trying to put into the series LLC is not in Pennsylvania.

    • If it is, do not file, and schedule the client to discuss options with Zach.

Intro to the Series LLC (and Property Management LLC)

This video is sent to clients when they purchase the series LLC, it explains what a series LLC is and how to use it, as well as how a property management LLC plays into it: thefortunelawfirm.com/series-llc

These videos are for clients to watch as they are executing the series LLC and property management LLC operating agreements: LLC Instructional Videos and Series LLC Instructional Video

Here’s a handy chart Zach made that outlines how the series LLC, property management LLC, and living trust work together (the full PDF is in the firm admin folder):

Here are the roles for each:

Series LLC

  • Member(s) =

    • §  Revocable Living Trust (if they have one, or if we are doing one for them),

    • §  Or the client(s) if they don’t have or intend to do a living trust

  • Manager(s) =

    • §  Property Management LLC (if they have one, or if the client has elected to have us form one),

    • §  Or the client(s) if they do not plan to use a property management LLC


Property Management LLC

  • Member(s) =

    • §  Revocable Living Trust (if they have one, or if we are doing one for them),

    • §  Or the client(s) if they don’t have or intend to do a living trust

  • Manager(s) =

    • §  the client(s)

Fulfilling the Series LLC - Summary

Stage 1 – Series/Property Management LLC Purchased

Stage 2 – Series/Prop Management Questionnaire Filled Out (from here, deal stages need to be changed manually as you go)

a.     Review the completed series LLC questionnaire from client.

i.     Confirm they have purchased the series LLC (via HubSpot deals) and if there are any notes or details (like in logged calls) about series LLC purchase.

ii.     Check name availability of LLC(s) on SilverFlume.

1.     If the name they picked has a professional designation (ex: doctor, medical, etc.) they need to revise it.

b.     Send confirmation of filing details to client

i.     Use email template.

ii.     Make sure to change language to fit their circumstances

1.     Do they already have a property management LLC, and do you need details about it?

2.     Do they already have a living trust?

3.     Did they purchase a living trust from us, but haven’t filled out the form yet?

4.     Etc.

iii.     If referencing the living trust that we create, the trust name will be:

1.     [LAST NAME] Revocable Living Trust.

a.     ex: Smith Revocable Living Trust

2.     OR if married, add ‘Family’ after the last name.

a.     ex: Smith Family Revocable Living Trust

3.     OR if married with different last names, include both last names and add ‘Family’ after them

a.     ex: Smith Brown Family Revocable Living Trust

iv.     Create follow up task for 1 week out to check on client’s confirmation if they haven’t responded.

c.     Once confirmed, file the series LLC.

d.     File the property management LLC if the clients decided on doing one.

Stage 3 – Paralegal Filed with State

a.     Fill out the Entity Creation Form: https://thefortunelawfirm.com/new-entity

i.     When asked "How Many Members is the LLC going to have" if there is no second or third LLC, just enter “1”.

1.     For any text boxes to fill in, just type in “there is no 2nd/3rd LLC”

b.     Fill out the Operating Agreement request form: https://thefortunelawfirm.com/legaldocs

i.     When filling in “County and State Where Principal Business is Located”

1.     Do not type in “County”

a.     Ex: city of Austin, TX is located in Travis County, so type in “Travis, Texas”

ii.     Last two questions, answer is “Yes” for both

4.     Stage 4 – Agreements in Review

a.     Complete drafting of operating agreements

i.     Mark draft for approval

5.     Stage 5 – Agreements Ready

a.     Wait for the SS4(s) to be signed via DocuSign

i.     DocuSign will send auto reminders every other day, but create a follow up task for 1 week out to call the client if they still haven’t signed in that time frame

b.     Once DocuSigns are signed, file EIN for series LLC

c.     File EIN for property management LLC (if client did one)

i.     Make sure you wait 24 hours from obtaining the first EIN to try to get the second one – an individual’s SSN can only obtain one EIN per 24 hours, otherwise you get a 101 code

d.     Finalize, PDF, organize pages for SOS Docs

e.     Send all documents to client

i.     Use email template

6.     Stage 6 – All Documents Sent to Client

a.     Hurray!


Forming an LLC (series or general)

NOTE about authorized signer: authorized signer can be any person, manager or member, that has authority over the entity. For our purpose that is usually the manager, but it can be any member too.

Have the ‘Confirmation LLC Info’ email that the client responded to/confirmed open so that you can copy and paste from it as you move along.

1.     Login with Robin’s credentials.

2.     Go to New Business > Start Your Business.

3.     Select Start a Nevada Business (LLC, Corporation, etc.).

4.     Select Domestic Limited Liability Company (NRS 86).

a.     You will select this for both Series LLC and Property Management LLC (if applicable)

b.     If you feel like you may have to use something other than NRS 86 (based on information client has given you), stop and ask Robin or Zach first before you proceed.

5.     Next to Articles of Organization – LLC, List and State Business License > select Start.

6.     Enter the client’s Desired Entity Name and then search for availability.

7.     If it’s a series, click the box next to Series LLC.

8.     The Registered Agent is us – choose Entity and type in “The Fortune Law Firm” and hit Search

a.     Select the button for The Fortune Law Firm, Ltd. > click Select Registered Agent

i.     This will auto-fill information that cannot be changed, which is fine because you shouldn’t have to. Robin maintains it on the firm’s RA profile.

b.     The firm is the Registered Agent for Nevada entities; it does not mean we own the LLC. If they get served with service of process, we are the legal entity to receive that service of process and then we are obligated to notify the client that they have received a service of process.

c.      We technically are a Commercial Registered Agent, but the SOS has had some sort of internal issue with designating new Commercial RA’s for the past year, so it still says we are a Non-Commercial RA, but they do recognize us as a Commercial RA.

i.     This may change eventually, but for the purposes of filing just know that it is the firm in SilverFlume.

9.     Management Structure > Any LLC will be Manger Managed.

10.  Officer: List the Manager here

a.     If you are going to be filing a property management LLC (or filing a property management LLC in addition to filing a series LLC; or you’re using a client’s existing LLC as the property management LLC), choose Entity and fill in the property management company’s information.

b.     If client as an Individual, list them here.

i.     You can list multiple people (like if client wants their spouse as a manager too).

c.      NOTE:

i.     We prefer to enter full, non-abbreviated names and addresses

1.     Drive, Court, Lane, etc.

ii.     You can enter just the zip code, press tab, and city and state will auto-populate

1.     There may be more than one city to select from, so select the city that the client provided in the address

d.     Click “Add Officer”

i.     If you need to make any changes, press the pencil button then re-save it

e.     Press Next

11.  For the Signature page

a.     Check the “I declare…” box (client gave us their permission to sign digitally on their behalf)

b.     When a page asks for signature or information of signer, that is where you would put the client and list them as authorized signer (if property management co. is the manager) OR manager themselves if they are the manager.

c.      It only needs to be an individual, since they are the one that is authorizing the LLC to be created.

i.     Always put the client’s information here; the client is always the Organizer

d.     If there are two managers (like spouses), only one needs to be put here as signer. Use the one that submitted the Series LLC Questionnaire and confirmed the LLC information via email.

i.     If one submitted the form and the other confirmed the LLC info email, use the client that was enrolled officially. It doesn’t legally matter anyways since they’re married, but just go about it this way for consistency.

e.     Press Save, and you will see their information added, with the option to edit (pencil) or delete if needed.

12.  Under Registered Agent signature:

a.     Type in “Zachariah Parry”

b.     Click Save > Click Yes

13.  Supporting Documentation – bypass, click Next

a.     You will never have to upload anything here for filing a new LLC

14.  Now do the Initial List > Press the green ‘Start Filing’ (do not click ‘Next’)

a.     This is basically a list of who is managing or responsible for the company

b.     Once you click Start Filing, you’ll notice a new timeline at the top; you’re basically doing a filing within a filing

15.  Don’t click box for an exemption, just click Next

a.     That box usually only applies to non-profits

16.  Enter in the Manager information again (same as step 10 Officer)

a.     This should be the same as what you entered earlier under officer, i.e. the property management (if using) OR the individual(s)

17.  For the Signature here, do the same as you did before in Step 11 (client as Manager or client as Authorized Signer).

a.     When a page asks for signature or information of signer, that where you would put the client and list them as authorized signer (if property management co is the manager) or manager themselves if they are the manager.

b.     If it’s for a property management LLC, it will still be the client’s signature.

c.      **The only difference in this particular Signature step is that it asks for a Title

i.     For an individual, choose Manager from the drop down

1.     Do this even though the client is technically the member through their trust; we don’t want the signature to have title of Member because we don’t want the SOS to have a list of membership; they only require Manager or Authorized Signer

ii.     For a property management company, choose Authorized Signer from the drop down

18.  Check the summary and make sure it all looks correct.

19.  Click Next until you are at your shopping cart.

a.     DO NOT start the Common Business Registration, just go to Checkout Now.

20.  Finish checking out; firm’s card is saved.

a.     Acknowledge the payment and Continue Checkout

b.     We are aware of the additional fee for processing; total is $435.63 (as of 11/09/23)

c.      Place Your Order

21.  Wait a minute after it has processed, click on Documents tab near the top, download the documents from the list, make sure you have ALL 10 pages (at least), title it “[LLC name] – SOS Docs”

a.     If there is more than one manager, there may be an additional page wherever manager information was entered, depending on length of names

b.     If you don’t have 10, just close the file, go back into the Documents tab and click the file again. All the pages should be there now.

c.      If client doesn’t have a file on the server yet, make a new one in the Active Clients folder (Last Name, First Name).

i.     Every LLC should have its own folder within the client file. If it is a series LLC, make sure to put that in the LLC folder name (ex: Smith Holdings, LLC (NV series)).

Rearranging the Pages in the SOS Docs

1.     Make these changes before sending copy to client:

a.     Duplicate the SOS Docs pdf, open up the copy

b.     Tools > Organize Pages

                                               i.     Delete the first two pages (these are just copies of the receipt)

c.      The two acknowledgments, formation docs, initial list, charter and business license are there now

d.     Zoom out

e.     Move the Business License from last page to the first page

f.      Put the Charter second

g.     Move each Filing Acknowledgement page behind respective documents for Articles of Organizationand Initial List

i.     Formation (page 1 of 2)

ii.     Formation (page 2 of 2)

iii.     Business Entity – Filing Acknowledgement (Articles of Organization)

iv.     Initial List (page 1 of 2)

v.     Initial List (page 2 of 2)

vi.     Business Entity – Filing Acknowledgement (Initial List)

Operating Agreement

1.     Once you receive the email containing the client’s Series LLC Draft operating agreement, save it to their specific client folder on the server so that you can make edits to it (otherwise it is a Read-Only file).

2.     The Operating Agreement has been coded to input the information you entered on the Entity Creation Form

a.     Check what is in red

b.     The easiest and fastest way to do the OA is the day you file the entity, that way all the dates will be correct, you really just need to make formatting changes

3.     Click Review > Track Changes

a.     This way when it goes through approval, it is easier to see the changes made and whether we want to keep them or not

4.     If it involves a property management LLC, you need to pay special attention to make sure that management company is properly referred to in the OA

a.     More changes need to be made to the OA when a property management company is involved, versus just the series LLC alone

5.     Cover Letter: add in name/s of manager/s, if missing

a.     Pay attention to any middle initials in names: include a period after the middle initial

6.     Page vi ‘Notice’ – may have to enter in Manager’s name, and/or client’s name on behalf of the property management LLC

7.     Membership Listing Statement of LLC

a.     Yellow highlighted section needs to be deleted no matter what

b.     Pay attention to whether the members and the managers have different addresses:

i.     Ex: the Member might be the revocable trust, which could have the home address of the client, but the Manager could be the client and they have chosen their office address

ii.     Ex: The Member could be the individual client using their home address, and the Manager could be the property management company using their office address

iii.     This is why we have the client review the Confirm LLC Info email we send

c.      Check alignment on this page

i.     Not just for the columns, but within the table as well

1.     Click on the table, go to Layout next to Table Design, choose upper left hand option in the 3 x 3 grid

d.     Make sure everything is spelled out for the address (formalized spelling of street and state)

i.     Apt for apartment is okay

ii.     If you entered (or copied and pasted in) everything correctly on the Entity Creation Form, it should show the same way in the Operating Agreement


a.     Annual List now $170

b.     The Fortune Law Firm’s Annual Resident Agent Fee (if applicable) $149

c.      Business License Fee $200

d.     Total $370 or $519 per renewal year, depending on whether a FC member

e.     The annual fee to file your List of Officers with the Secretary of State of Nevada is $170.00, the Fortune Law Firm’s annual resident agent fee is $149.00, and the business license fee is $200. If you are late in paying these fees, there is a $200 late fee for removing your entity from default status. We will notify you prior to the anniversary date of your LLC to inform you of these payments, so please make sure to add everything from @thefortunelawfirm.com to your safe senders list.

9.     Operating Agreement (page 1)

a.     For some reason the names of the Member/s have not been coded into the document

i.     Copy and paste the Member Name (could be the trust, or the individual client and possibly spouse) from the Membership Listing Statement

10.  For Ownership Percentage, sometimes this will autopopulate (usually with 100%), and sometimes it shows as ___%. Can’t figure out a pattern to it; not due to anything filled out prior.

a.     Just enter 100% (if the trust or a sole individual is the owner), or equally between the members confirmed by the client (if individuals)

11.  Always make sure the Effective Date is the date the entity was filed.

12.  Following section 12.9, you may have to add a signature line beneath the date (at the end of the IN WITNESS WHEREOF line)

a.     By: name of the trust or individual client, whichever applies

b.     Its: Member

13.  Schedule 1 Series Member Listing Statement:

a.     Keep Member Name as the Series LLC name, add in address if missing

b.     DO NOT Add in Manager name and address, if missing

14.  Schedule 1.1 Form Of Supplement For Establishing Series:

a.     Keep Member Name as the Series LLC name

b.     DO NOT Add in Manager name and address, if missing

15.  On the Special Tax Provisions (if any) page

a.     Add extra space for each name of manager and signature line

16.  Warranty Deed section:

a.     Always check whether a client has property in Pennsylvania that they want to transfer into the series LLC; before they do so, they need to talk to Zach; PA is the only state that is not a series LLC- friendly state

b.     There are many footnotes about this throughout the document, but always check just in case

A Warranty Deed example (blank) is included in the OA, but it is up to the county if they will accept that version; they may only accept their county deed form

17.  On the Minutes of First Meeting of Members, pay attention to the Manager Name

a.     If there are two managers, make sure both are populated (sometimes only one is populated)

b.     This may be blank if the manager is a property management company that was already been formed (i.e. we didn’t form it)

i.     This happens because on the Entity Creation Form we indicate only the LLCs we create, so if they have an LLC already formed to use for property management we choose “no” for Second LLC creation which is where this agreement pulls the property management LLC info from, so in that case we would have to enter the information manually

18.  Make sure Dated and Signature are always on the same page

a.     May have to add a enter to make them on the same page, even if nothing else is on that page

19.  On the Resolution of the Managers to Open a Bank Account, if there is only one manager listed (e.g., the client/organizer did not include their spouse because they won’t be involved in the LLC), add the spouse’s name so that if something happens to the organizing the spouse, the other spouse can show this to the bank

a.     In this case, add a second signature spot for the other spouse

b.     Make sure Date and Signature are on the same page

20.  For Amendment No. 1 to Operating Agreement, it will populate to today’s date (whatever date you downloaded the OA)

a.     Type in the date of formation of the entity, even if you’re doing it so many days later

21.  Also make sure any title is not separated from a signature

a.     Ex: Acceptance of Partnership Representative Position needs to be on the same page as the signature line below it (also add room for the signature)

22.  Minutes of the Meeting of the Managers

a.     Make sure the date is the date of the entity formation and spell out the month

i.     11/14/23 should be “November 14, 2023”

b.     If the property management company is the Manager, it will show the name of the property management company (Ex: [Property Management Name], Manager) but it does not acknowledge the name of the person who is responsible as the manager of the property management company, so put in “[name of the client], on behalf of,” in front of the name of the property management company

c.      There will be a really long signature line; adjust formatting to make it smaller so that it does not go the length of the page

d.     At the end, add in a signature line and type in Notary Public underneath

23.  (Amended) Membership Listing Statement

a.     There will be a box that autopopulates instead of a signature line; delete it, especially since they likely won’t need all those signature lines (e.g., if the member is the trust)

i.     They can always add another piece of paper if they need more room for signatures

b.     Or, don’t delete it; instead, click it and you will see an option come up in the pane above for “Layout” to the right of “Table Design”; click the lines you want to erase with the eraser; this way you have the same number of signature lines

24.  Templates will be blank dated

25.  There will be a blank certificate and a prepopulated certificate

a.     On the populated one, you might have to adjust the text boxes to their appropriate place; sometimes they get moved around in coding, and also probably depending on the version of Word you’re using

26.  Under the signature line of the certificate, write in the “[client’s name], on behalf of” in front of the trust name (if applicable)

While we are waiting for the client’s signed SS-4, still move the deal stage of the Series LLC to “Agreements in Review” so Robin is notified that she can review the Operating Agreement

Converting the Operating Agreement from Word to PDF

1.     NOTE: there are some active dates within the document that may change when you open the OA the next time, even if you already changed them to be the date of entity formation, so make sure you always check the dates again on the day you PDF the OA

a.     We are still waiting on signatures from the client for the EIN, so don’t PDF the OA from Word until those are received.

b.     In the meantime, save the Word document and close it

2.     Once Robin has marked the Operating Agreement as Reviewed, go into their client folder on the server, right click on the OA Word document, Duplicate

a.     This will add “copy” to the end of the name of the document

i.     Tracked is red coded copy

ii.     Final is the one that is PDF’d

b.     Open the Copy/Duplicate, make sure the entire document has loaded

i.     This could take 60-90 seconds

c.     Go to Review > Changes > click Accept > Accept All Changes and Stop Tracking

d.     Go back to Home, and highlight the whole document by pressing Command+A

i.     Turn the font black

ii.     Make sure everything is unhighlighted

iii.     If the comment panel on the right side has not gone away yet, just click the cursor and move it up and down and should go away shortly

1.     Make sure any comments are removed as well, if you made any

e.     Click Save

f.      IMPORTANT: Make sure the page numbers are updated

i.     Command+A to highlight the whole thing again

ii.     Press F9

iii.     Click Update Page Numbers Only

1.     Now you can see that the page numbers have changed, and you can confirm by clicking on the active page numbers and see if it takes you to the appropriate page

2.     NOTE: For Property Management operating agreements, you will most likely have to press fn+F9 twice

a.     After the first time, you will get an “Error! Bookmark not defined” message where page numbers are supposed to be.

b.     With the whole document still highlighted, press fn+F9 again, click Update Page Numbers Only

c.      If you get an “Error!” message still in a few places, just put in the correct page number (ususally page 15 for some reason, but confirm).

g.    Click Save

h.     Click File > Print > Save as PDF

i.     Double check the name of the file; it’s okay if it says copy; Press Save

ii.     Save as: "[SERIES LLC NAME] - Series Operating Agreement"

1.     or "[LLC NAME] - Operating Agreement"

a.       Click save one more time, exit out, and the PDF’d Operating Agreement should be in the folder

Renewing an LLC

Remember this is ONLY after the client has paid the fees due and signed their annual list.

1.     Open SilverFlume, login, go to Business Entity Search

2.     Search for the entity you want to renew

3.     Click on name of entity, verify the upcoming reporting due date and that we are the RA still

4.     At bottom of screen, click Search Results to go back to results screen

5.     Click MANAGE ENTITY to the right of the LLC name

6.     Click little green RENEW box

7.     Similar to an initial filing, move through each of the four screens – you do not need to change anything unless:

a.     If there has been a change of management, names, or addresses, use the pencil button on the OFFICER page to edit the information there.

b.     If you need to add a manager, use the add manager form and button on the OFFICER page to provide that information

c.      Press SAVE then NEXT

8.     On the SIGNATURE page

a.     If manager is property management co, put in client name (as used on the formation documents signature page) and title Authorized Signer

b.     If manager is the client as an individual, put in the client name as it is on the signature pages from the formation docs and title Manager

i.     Tip: If client is manager, just copy their name as it is from the Officer page and paste it to the following Signature page.

c.      Press SAVE > NEXT

9.     Go to Checkout

10.  Finish checking out; firm’s card is saved.

a.     Acknowledge the payment and Continue Checkout

b.     Place Your Order

11.  Wait a minute after it has processed, click on Documents tab near the top, download the documents from the list, make sure you have ALL 5 pages, title it “[LLC name] – AL & BL 20__”

12.  Save them in clients folder

13.  Make a duplicate > open the copy

14.  Go to Tools > Organize Pages

a.     Delete receipt copy

b.     Move new business license to front

c.      Move Filing Acknowledgement to back, so that the Annual List is in between license and acknowledgement

15.  Send to client

IRS - Obtaining an EIN

1. Apply for EIN online at IRS website: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/apply-for-an-employer-identification-number-ein-online

a. You only have 15 minutes to complete before the application expires

b. Make sure to have the SSN of the authorized manager signing on the filing docs

i.     Take note of the SSN because you can’t copy and paste it

ii.     Can allow client to obtain their own EIN if they don’t want to provide us their SSN

c. Have the filing of the LLC formation (or name of irrevocable trust) available

d. Have the client’s LLC SOS filing docs, confirmation email, and Hubspot open for reference

e. NOTE: 101 codes require a fax to the IRS

2. Apply Online Now button

3. Click Begin Application

4. What type of legal structure is applying for an EIN? Choose LLC, Continue, and Continue

5. If the Member(s) of the LLC is:

a. the Living Trust, choose 1 for Member (because trust is 1 entity)

b. a person, or multiple people, put the number of members

i.     IF there are two individual members, but those two members are married, put 1 member (married couple = one financial unit)

ii.     IF there are two individual members, and those two members are NOT married, put 2 members

6. Choose State where the member/manager address is that was used in the SOS entity formation

7. Confirm Your Selection: Click Continue

8. Why Is The LLC requesting an EIN? Choose Started a New Business

9. Add in Responsible Party – this will be the client’s name and SSN

a. Choose the “I am owner/managers” because they have signed to allow us to do this

b. For authorized signer, use SSN

10. LLC Physical Location

a. Client’s address used on formation docs (they can’t use our address)

b. If it’s a different mailing and physical address (like a PO Box), put in the physical address, then click “YES” for mailing address and put in mailing address

i.     The mailing address is the one that will show up on the EIN letter

11. LLC State and Name:

a. Copy and paste the name from the formation docs – remember to delete the comma, they don’t allow registration with commas

i.     e.g., Name, LLC needs to be Name LLC

b. Leave the pre-populated state and county,

c. BUT under “where were the articles or organization filed” put Nevada

d. Start date is whatever month/year you filed the formation docs with the state

e. Phone number – use mobile number in HubSpot

12. For all the questions about LLC, the answers are always ‘No’

13. What does the business do?

a. Other

b. Other -> General Business

14. Receive letter online, submit to summary.

a. If anything is wrong just exit out and start over, do not try to go back a page (will cause errors)

15. Save the EIN letter, titled “[LLC name] – EIN Letter” to the client’s LLC folder

a. This is THE MOST important step after you get the EIN assigned

i.     If you don’t save the letter correctly, it is a massive hassle to get it again from the IRS.

ii.     For extra peace of mind, I save it to the client’s folder first, and then save another copy in a folder on desktop.

1.   That way if something happens to the server, or it uploads incorrectly, or the client’s folder got accidentally erased (would be crazy, but you never know) you still have a copy of the EIN letter somewhere else

If you get a 101 code:

 1.     This usually happens various reasons, often because the client has already been flagged by the IRS, the name is too close to another, the client, their spouse or children could be getting audited, etc.

2.     Download signed SS-4 and certification from DocuSign, combine and save in client’s file as “SS-4 Signed with Cert”

a.     Make sure DESIGNEE at the bottom is either yourself or Robin, it can’t be the firm – must be an individual at the firm

3.     Organize pages, drag document into pdf behind fax cover sheet (found on server in Templates>Misc IRS Docs), delete unnecessary pages IRS does not need

4.     Edit, change cover sheet info:

a.     To: IRS – EIN Department

b.     Fax: 855-641-6935

c.      Phone: 725-245-1945 (FAX)

d.     Re: SS-4 for …, LLC

e.     From: YOUR name

f.      Pages: edit at final count before sending (usually 6)

g.     Date:

h.     CC: leave blank

i.       X in box for Urgent

j.       Enter in LLC’s information in the Comments section

k.     Delete highlights as you go

5.     SS4 with Cert (about 3 pages after deleting the pages the IRS does not need)

6.     Add in SOS Docs

a.     Charter

b.     Formation Docs-Articles of Organization (2 pages with seal on top) from SOS Docs

7.     Should be ~6 pages total

a.     Do NOT count cover page

8.     Save as “[NAME OF LLC] – SS-4 Fax to IRS”

9.     See template in OneNote > FLF Admin General > Misc > Fax Instructions

10.  No dashes in fax email address

11.  Nothing needs to go into the body of the email

12.  Should get fax confirmation

13.  Can take 4-6 weeks to hear back

14.  Get Operating Agreement, other documents to client in the meantime

a.     See OneNote template

15.  Create follow up task on client’s HubSpot profile for 25 days out – if it has not been received by then, update the fax cover dates and send it again with “SECOND REQUEST – URGENT” in the subject line