Creating a Leveraging Illustration for Mass Mutual WL Contracts
Begin by logging into Mass Mutual’s illustration creation software at Mass Mutual’s Field Net page.
Once you’ve logged in, you should be at the Field Net main page, where you will hover over “New Sales” and click “Illustrations and Proposals”:
Now click on “MassMutual Designs (Life Illustrations Application)”:
This will bring up a new window (make sure your pop-up blocker isn’t blocking it). You are going to select “WL HECV” (Whole Life High Early Cash Value) and click “New Illustration”:
This will bring up several tabs, starting with the “Insured” tab.
On the “Insured” tab, input client information for the following fields:
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Tax Bracket Percent (you already calculated this when you submitted the leveraging form, but if you forgot, it should be on the intake tab of the spreadsheet)
Contract State
Navigate to the “Design” tab. You only need to change to fields here. Change the “Known” to “Initial Premium” and input the number for initial premium. You will get this off of the tab in the spreadsheet corresponding to the Mass Mutual insurance contract (it will probably have the name of your client and a “MWL” designation).
Navigate to the “Options” tab. check the “Reduced Paid Up” box. When you do, the RPU options will pop up. Change “RPU at” to “Year” and “RPU Age/Year” to “11”:
Navigate to the “Agent Info” tab. (You should only have to put this in the first time.) Fill out your information:
Click on the “Results” tab. The software will now start calculations based on the information you input:
After a few seconds, your illustrated values will pop up. Confirm that it does not MEC:
To generate the PDF, you will now click “Calculate”:
After you hit “calculate,” a screen will pop up that says “calculating.” This will take 20–30 seconds. Then once it is done, you will see this screen. if you click on the little icon with the Adobe Acrobat logo, your illustration will pop up in a new window, and you can then save it.